Wednesday, June 24, 2015


People always say that DNA and blood make a family. Over the last 20 years I have learned that isn't always true. My family doesn't all get along. I try to just let things go. Most of the people I consider my family don't share DNA or blood with me. My chosen family always love and support me. They are there no matter what, through the good and the bad. They would do anything for me. We respect each other and treasure each other. My extended family that I gained through open adoption are my most treasured family. It doesn't matter that we don't share DNA. We truly love each other. I'm proud to call them my family. They are amazing. My best friend is a sister to me. She stepped up and became the sister I needed. I would be lost without her. My other half of my soul is an amazing woman who I consider my hero. I am very close to my parents, they are my only blood relatives I am close to other than my two boys. Treasure the family you have. I allow family in that hurt me out of respect and love for my parents. The relationship I have with both of my siblings is very strained. I want to walk away and don't because I can't break my parents hearts. I instead allow them to continue to hurt me. 

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